Sunday, January 09, 2005

Tournament Data Manager

Hello... It's Sunday morning. I'm watching Joel Osteen. He's giving a good sermon about having and keeping one's Joy.

Hey, Monica just brought me some coffee and a cinnamon roll. Wow...! Mmmm.... I'm so lucky...!

Yesterday I had a nice morning of lessons at Columbia Lakes. I got home about 3 PM and went to the grocery store, and blockbuster video.

I got The Manchurian Candidate, The Chronicles of Riddick, Pearl Harbor, and an old 1963 movie with Steve McQueen. Does anyone remember the movie, The Great Escape...? I remember watching it as a kid growing up. It was good.

I was up until about 2 AM watching the movie, and working on the tournament I have coming up at Bay Oaks. And that's what I'll be doing most of the today, if not all day...!

Perhaps I'll take a few breaks this afternoon and go out and rake some leaves...!

That's the Sunday Morning Report. More later... Bye for now!

Coach Sam