Monday, April 11, 2005

Catching up...

I didn't post journal entries any this weekend because I had my hands full with lessons on Saturday, data entry for the Giammalva Gran Prix, and promoting my upcoming tournament here at Columbia Lakes.

We had a Star Wars Film Festival at my house yeaterday. We watched all three episodes of the original Star Wars Trilogy. During this time I entered 206 entries for the tournament online and Bar-B Qued ribs and briskett. I went to bed last night around midnight and I'm dragging a little today.

Today still have work to do for the Giammalva Gran Prix, I need to work on my tournament, and I have three racquets to string before my afternoon lessons start at 5 PM.

I'll be off the court at 8:30 PM and will be heading home after that...!

That's my day today. It's going to shape up to be a busy week. More later... SC