This was one full day. Of Course we started out by losing an hour this morning to daylight savings time. We visited a new church this morning. It was only 15 minutes from our house. The teaching was outstanding. But the sermon lasted a little more than an hour. I haven't been to a sermon that long in quite a while. The music was traditional hymns. I'm a little more in to contemporary music. But the music wasn't a deal breaker. We're going to try to sample some churches closer to our house for a while. We need something that Connor can get involved in right away, and we just live too far away from Clear Lake for Connor to take advantage of the Clear Creek Community Church Youth program. Plus, we're looking for a church that's a little smaller. CCCC is working it's way towards Mega-Church status.
After church I hurriedly prepared for the HPTA meeting and social. That went well. We had a decent turnout for our first get together.
When I got home from the HPTA event Monica and I worked in Connor's room. It's starting to look good. We have his bed from Tennessee set up. We connected his big TV and play station up. Monica started unpacking his closet and she also built 3 book shelves we got from Ikea, and we still have some new curtains to put up, but other than that, his room is basically functional.
I'm settling down to an evening of writing. I want to update every blog tonight. That's going to take a little time. But that's my favorite thing to do. If I can't write then I get a little cranky.
So before I close here. I do want to mention that It sure feels different to be a full time dad now. But I like the feeling. -and Connor is an awesome Kid. That's all I have to say about that.
Monday I have such a long day at Columbia Lakes that Monica has given me permission to spend the night there. I have my first lesson at 9 AM then I'm not done tomorrow until 8:30 PM. Then I have to be back on Tuesday at 8 AM again so I'm just going to stay over.
I'll write more tomorrow. Check you later.
Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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