Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Check out this schedule...

I just finished my prayer journal at 7:30 AM.

I need to leave the house by 8:30 AM to go to the Giammalva Club and pick up T shirts left over from this weekend's tournament.

Then I need to drop those shirts off at home. Next I need to have some keys made for the tennis shop. Then I need to go to Columbia Lakes and set up my display table for Vanessa, who's going to be on hand to pass out flyers during a junior high tennis match this afternoon.

I need to be done with that by Noon so I can get to Clear Lake in time for my 2 PM afternoon lessons there. Then I'm on the court until 8 PM. Pretty much 6 straight hours...!

Then I get to come home and collapse.

Tomorrow won't be so stressful and busy. I just go to Columbia Lakes for the entire day.

In Other news: I think that Monica and Connor are going to the SPCA to pick out a dog today...

Well I'd better close here... I still have almost an hour to work on some other projects.

Bye for now... Coach Sam


Judy Ohlemacher said...

Goodness, Sam, I don't know where you get the energy to keep up with a schedule like this. And the possibility of a dog? Wow, life is a spinning ball.