Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sunday: Not a Day of Rest Today...!

I'm so behind on all my work I just need to take a deep breath and dive in...!

Yesterday we unpacked and returned the Rental Moving Truck. Now we have a ton of boxes to open and get Connor's life in order here. That's the number one priority. Monica went to Ikea and bought some book shelves for Connor's room. He has an enormous volume of books.

We have church today at 10:45 AM then we'll be back home for about an hour or so and then I have a tennis pro get together at the University Club today at 3 PM. It's a tennis social and general meeting for pros and their families. We've never done anything like it before but I'm sure things will go beautifully. There are about 30-40 people signed up. I'll be working on getting ready for that event the rest of the morning and early afternoon.

I've got a lot more to write about but I think I'll hold off and report more this evening.

I've got to get busy here at the house this morning.

Bye for now...
