Tuesday, April 19, 2005

The end of the day....

Today wasn't a lot of fun... I ended up locking my keys in the car this afternoon and Monica had to come rescue me. Then lessons tonight were kinda difficult. The kids were misbehaving and I had to be grouchy.

Then I came home and somehow got cross ways with Monica. She hasn't spoken to me the rest of the night.

Sigh... The last thing I want to do is offend my wife. She's already gone to sleep and I'm up not really even wanting to go to bed...

Oh well...

I'm sure that things will go better tomorrow. I guess I'll just read a little and then try to fall asleep. I'd like to get up at 4 AM and get a good start on my day.

Bye for now.... -Coach Sam


Monica Chadwell said...

How long have you been waiting to say that? My Honey is perfect all of the time. We're just exhausted from weeks and months on end of busyness.