My Mom's been gone for nearly five years now. I loved her very much. I miss her now. She drove me crazy at times, too. But I guess that happens in every family occasionally. I remember back to my school age years and growing up what a good mom she was to my brothers and sister and I.
I know that Mom loved us all deeply, as a mom should. Much of her life was spent in an unhappy marriage and dealing with the health issues associated with lupus, but she did the best she could. She did remakably well, actually.
I have fond memories of playing tennis with Mom. That was something we could enjoy together for awhile before her health problems and vision trouble started to mount. Mom was particularly proud of my tennis and musical accomplishments. A mother's love and pride in her children is definitely something to be cherished.
My mom always worried about me. She hated that I traveled so much, especially to far away countries. She wanted me to stay right here in Texas. In fact, if I would have never moved out of Bay City where I grew up that would have been fine with her...
But I had to get out of the small town where I grew up. And although I did travel a lot in my younger days, I did finally settle in Houston, about 90 minutes from Mom and home, and I seldom stayed out of touch with her for very long at a time.
I loved my Mom very much. I still think about her often. There's a great photo of she and I on my desk. If she were here today I would be over at the house doing something for her, making bar b cue or taking her out to the Red Lobster in Lake Jackson... ( her favorite restaurant for special occasions)
I'd definitely give her a big hug and kiss and tell her how much I loved her...!
She did the best she could in difficult circumstances and I'll always carry her memory in my heart...!
My advice to everyone reading this blog today is to love Your mom. Honor her. Don't let conflict dwell for too long. And don't get out of touch with her. My Mom left this world suddenly and unexpectedly and I didn't have a chance to say good bye properly and in fact, we weren't even speaking at the time of her passing because I was upset with her about something. We hadn't really spoken for two months prior to her passing. I wish I could take back that time and do things differently but I can't.
The one thing I can do is share stories of my mom with you occasionally and I will.
I hope this honors my mom's memory today. Thanks for reading my blog. Until next time...
Bye for now.
Coach Sam
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
Dear Sammy, This really touched my heart! Momma loved you so much an I know she is thinking about us everyday! She was so proud of you and still is I'm sure!
You are the best an I know Monica knows that! Conner and the baby are the lucky ones to have such a wonderful man to look up to as thier father! God Bless love sis
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