Thursday, May 12, 2005

Still Catching up

Yesterday I got an enormous amount of work done, but I still have much to get done today, too. Before I went to bed last night I was thinking of canceling my lessons this afternoon but I've decided that I'll try to squeeze everything in. I only have this week and next week for my home school classes any way and I hate to cancel the next to last class. I should be able to get everything done today and be close to caught up. We'll see. But I need to get on top of things right away.

I'll have to catch up with this blog tonight or tomorrow morning.

I'm fighting upset stomach today... I hope I'm not coming down with a bug or something. It's probably just stress... Oh well, I always say that in the name of recreation, we all make our sacrifices...!

By the way, Today would have been my father's birthday...!

Talk to you later...

Coach Sam


Ada said...


They are cute. SO CUTE.