I've been enjoying myself killing flies on the back patio with a bug zapper shaped like a little tennis racquet. We bought it at sharper image. It's battery powered and it electrocutes the flies if they get hit with the racquet. You do have to hi them just right so it's a little bit of a challenge.
Anyway... We're celebrating Connor's 13th Birthday today. It's actually on Monday but since we'll be at Columbia Lakes all day, We're doing it today.
I'm making his favorite meal... (and mine) -Smoked Pork Ribs...
I prepared the ribs last night with my secret recipe rib rub. The ribs went on the grill at about 7:45 AM... I'm going to smoke them for close to 5 hours at 200-230 degrees. Mmmm... It's going to be good.
I'm also making some pinto bean soup and my secret Chadwell family jalapeno cornbread recipe. Connor wants some home made potato salad... We'll see if Grandma Judy can take care of that...
I've got a tournament going on in Sugarland this weekend. The rain is going to be a problem... That's too bad...
The Monica Report... I overheard her talking to her mom this morning that she has all the symtoms of a woman about to go into labor. I can't remember what all those symtoms were, but one of them is a sore back... Yes, I'd say that it won't be long before the baby gets here..!
Well... I've got to get back to work here cooking... More later...!
Are You a Game Changer..?
9 years ago
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