Friday, July 15, 2005

Looking a Little Wet

At 6 AM the radar shows the clear lake area getting hammered with thunderstorms... It's pretty stormy here, too.

There's no way I'm driving to Nassau Bay in these conditions... I may wait until 6:30 AM to make the call but I don't think my lessons are going to happen this morning. That's a bummer because some of the mom's of children I coach were going to have a baby shower at 8:30 AM...
I'll keep an eye on the weather news this morning... perhaps the rain will let up for the 8:30 AM class...

Oh well... I spent most of the day yesterday catching up on email messages and working on some tournaments....

This morning I've been up since 3 AM working on stuff. And I'm sure I can stay busy all day today, too. I need to start planning my fall programs...

We're still on baby watch. Monica had a good visit with the Doctor yesterday. It won't be much longer now.. Poor Monica really couldn't sleep hardly at all last night...

Hopefully she'll have a peaceful day today....!

That's it for now... More later...

Coach Sam