Friday, October 01, 2004

October is Here...!

How amazing that October is here. This year (in a few weeks) will mark the 40th October of my life..! That's amazing. 40 doesn't seem nearly as old to me as it did when I was a kid...

Oh well... I plan to grow old very gracefully. And with God's help I will...!

Yesterday was a good day. I got quite a bit accomplished here at the house and had a productive lessons afternoon in League City. I picked up some Thai food on the way home and caught the last hour of the Presidential debate. Although I've pretty well decided already who I'll vote for, I'm looking forward to the nextdebate in two weeks.

Today I have a gap in my schedule this afternoon and I'll have a good long stretch at Diedrich's to get caught up. So I may post again this afternoon. Oh, by the way... I'm canceling AOL this afternoon so please change my email address in your contact information to refect my new address:

I'm up a little extra early than normal because Hobbes (one of our cats) was making too much noise.... But that's ok because I wanted to get up a litle earlier today anyway...

Thanks for reading my journal. If you have any questions or comments I'd love to hear from you. Bye for now...

Coach Sam