Thursday, December 23, 2004

We've Got a Gummy Bear!

Monica had her first Doctor's appointment this afternoon. It was determined by the sonogram that the baby is about 9 weeks old. We can't tell the gender yet, but we could hear the Baby's heart beat. It was 176 beats per minute. One the sonogram we could see the heart beating, too... It was amazing.

The sonogram tech told us the baby was the size of a large gummy bear. We have pictures, too. I'll see if I can scan them in tomorrow.

Everything looks good so far. Monica feels healthy. She still has a bit of nausea every now and then but not as bad as a few weeks ago. That's the baby report...

We built a fire in our fireplace tonight. It was our first fire in the new house. The kitties were very curious... Especially Gabriel... Things have kinda slowed down. Monica just went to bed. I'll go to bed in a few minutes. I want to get to sleep early because I'm going to smoke a briskett tomorrow. I need to leave it on for about twelve hours so I'm going to start at about 5 AM.

Christmas Day I'm going to smoke a Turkey, too. What can I say...? I love my smoker!

Well that's about all the news.... More musings tomorrow.

Thanks for reading my journal. Bye for now. Coach Sam